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Big miracles, small miracles?

Big miracles, small miracles?

I spoke about it last week and now I have to correct myself. Because I have realized that there are no "big" or "small" ones. There are simply miracles. I use the term big or small to judge miracles, and that is absolutely not my place. Because when God performs a miracle, it is always big. It may not always meet my expectations or my prayers, but being able to experience a miracle is always great for me.

It shows me that the same God who performed miracles for Moses is still doing so today. For me, he is still the same God. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. And for me, experiencing an answered prayer is simply part of it.

Yesterday morning I finally decided to exchange my old iPhone xr for a 15. I looked at the prices, made an appointment at the Apple Store and then went into my quiet time. A chapter in Revelation and then into God's armory to put on the armor. Then into prayer. I prayed for concentration and attention in traffic and wisdom and sensitivity in dealing with the people I will meet today. I also told Jesus about my plan to get a new cell phone and asked him to show me whether it was really time.

At 9 a.m. I met up with a friend to go running with him. During our run, he told me that he was going to buy the new iPhone 16 in September and asked if I would be interested in taking his iPhone 13 Pro Max. The cost would be the same as Apple's takeover offer.

For me, that was an answer to the question I had asked Jesus that morning. A miracle!

And I notice that I am going through a process of change within myself. I am not only becoming more sensitive to the people I meet, but also to God's work in my life. I no longer just see black and white, but also recognize all the other colors that are possible from these primary colors. I am more attentive, not only in traffic, but also in relation to God.

HE is the one who gives me all my abilities and knowledge and I am filled with deep gratitude.

I wish you all, as always, a blessed week

At this point I would like to point out the next two articles:

Sunday, May 12, 2024 “Let everything you do be done in love” Part 5, by Daniel Hässler, social deacon of the Thomaskirche in Basel (CH)

Sunday, May 19, 2024 “The miracle in my personal déjà vu”, by Roland Brunnenkant


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