Dear readers,
You may have noticed that I have not only ended the "Love Your Neighbor" series, but have also removed it from this website. The reason for this is that Jesus made me aware that God should be the focus of this blog. And when I read it again, it became clear to me that with this series I had taken a position in which I stood there with my index finger raised and my injuries, which I had already forgiven, were the focus. So I had to seriously ask myself where the love is that the verse of the year calls us to. I realized that although I have forgiven, I still have a connection to these very situations. So my next step is now clear. I have to ask God to help me to break these ties as well. One by one.
We can, yes we should, admonish one another, but we should do so in love. And we must not forget that we are all sinners. Walking with God is a lifelong process that only ends with our physical death.
And so I reach out to HIM, the wonderful triune God, and ask him to show me where change is needed and what MY next step should look like.
I wish for all of us a deeper understanding of the things God wants to accomplish in our lives. Be blessed.