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Dormers like a mustard seed

Updated: Mar 4, 2024

Matthew 17

19 Then his disciples came to him specifically and said, Why could we not cast him out? 20But Jesus answered and said to them, Because of your unbelief. For truly I say to you, if you have faith like a mustard seed, you may say to this mountain, Be lifted up there from here. then he will rise; and nothing will be impossible for you. 21But this kind does not come out except by prayer and fasting.

Believe like a mustard seed!

When I write about prayer and forgiveness and repentance, my greatest wish is that we come to a deeper understanding of God and his love for us humans. And that our faith grows. When we stop looking at ourselves and turn our gaze to the triune God, something happens to us. Then the change and transformation of what God has always seen in us since the beginning of time continues. And the only thing we need is faith and trust in HIM. If we say “yes” to his call, then we take off the old person and put on the new one, but part of our character remains behind. And we have to fight against these. Again and again. And this fight is called prayer. We should not only pray for ourselves, but also intercede before God for all other people.

The example of the mountain rising is a powerful image, but it is about the mountains that stand in the lives of each and every one of us. Just imagine how the world would change if we could command our own mountains and those of everyone else to rise. The world would become a foretaste of heaven.

But an individual cannot achieve this transformation, whether he is called Jesus Christ. It needs each of us. So let's stand up for it together and together.

My request and plea is therefore that we decide to turn back to the Triune God. Because then charity is possible that exceeds our current imagination.

Let us reflect and let go of petty disputes and judgments towards others and stretch all of our senses towards God.

I pray for that. Be blessed!


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