Every reader of the Bible knows the different moods attributed to God. Strong, Fearless, Angry, Jealous, Honest, Loving, Forgiving, Joyful and many more.
However, we never read that God has a sense of humor. Personally, I can imagine this wonderful God with a smiling face. At the beginning of the Bible it says in Genesis 1:27: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God; male and female he created them."
If we were created in his image, then we also share his characteristics. And since we humans have a sense of humor and can enjoy the simple things, it follows that God also has these characteristics. However, HE has them in a perfect and complete form.
All parents know those situations in which they smile when they look at their children. Those situations in which they burst out laughing. They watch their children in different situations with great delight and even slap their thighs. So how can we think that God doesn't smile or even burst out laughing when he looks at his creation? Doesn't God have to have a sense of humor in order to create a creation that gives each individual the free will to decide for themselves which path to take? Problems and difficulties are to be expected.
If only HE could have decided that people would automatically be born with faith in HIM. But HE wanted free people, not pre-programmed puppets.
Personally, I like to think about a God who has a sense of humor and takes pleasure in his creation. That makes HIM softer and gentler for me. However, I never forget that HE is also the King of Kings. The just judge. The creator of the world.
Just as we laugh one moment and then burst into tears the next, it is the same with God. One moment we are full of joy, the next we are sad about our wrong decisions.
I don't just see God as a disappointed, angry God, do you?
I wish you a blessed week!