I thank the Lord for his goodness. I thank the Lord for (my) grateful heart.
It's not difficult to feel gratitude at a time when everything is going smoothly and there are no problems on the cloudy horizon. But let's keep this gratitude even in the times when there are storms, when we are almost afraid
face insurmountable problems? When our relationships falter and we face health problems? When our jobs are at risk and financial worries keep us awake? Is our gratitude firmly anchored in us or is it as fleeting as smoke in the wind? We have to ask ourselves this question again and again and think about who or what our thanks go to.
For me as a Christian it is easy because my gratitude goes to God. Looking back, I always recognize the positive lesson hidden in all the negative things I have experienced and I am grateful to be able to recognize this. Because it protects you from becoming bitter. Traveling with God is the ultimate adventure. Because the unexpected almost always happens. Yes, I experience so-called answered prayers, and every now and then I experience exactly what I prayed for happening. But in most cases I find that the answer to my prayers has a completely different component than what I asked for. But things are and have always been for my good and have served the development of my personality and even if the paths have become arduous and rocky and I have stumbled many a time and sometimes even fallen, they have served my good.
And so over the years I have been able to develop a grateful heart, one that stays with me even in dark and difficult times.
Trust in the Lord in all things! Because HE means well with you.
And when this gratitude is deeply rooted in your heart, you will experience the power of an honest thank you and an honest request. You will experience how, through God's help, doors will open for you and you will experience miracles.