My congratulations go to Florian Bockholt and Anna Davydova. However, my thanks go to our great God, who always keeps his eyes on his own. Even when his sheep drift away, make wrong decisions and start to leave the good path. These people are not lost to God and He never gives up on them. We know from the Bible that he goes after the lost sheep with the aim of bringing them back to the fold. Florian was also able to have this experience. After wandering around in the darkness for a few years, God met him in a new and wonderful way and he found his way back to faith. A little over a year ago he took another step towards God and his life changed radically. At the beginning of this year he became part of TheCornerStone. He met Anna in his new community, finally got a job as an educator and he has been married for a few weeks. God has opened a new chapter in his life and I wish him and of course Anna all the best and the blessing of a God who always has his people in mind.