I've been writing my blog for almost a year now and I don't want to miss this time. Because it is a year in which I have not only dealt intensively with my own life, but also with what I have read in the Bible. Many of my contributions have only become what they ultimately are through the conversations I have had with other Christians. life experiences.
Many of you know the situation of excitement about God's greatness. But as great as this enthusiasm is, some of it is short-lived. Life itself, the social environment in which we are integrated, the jobs we have and the hobbies we pursue mean that this enthusiasm becomes a form of habit. Then that first love that each of us once felt has weakened and is no longer as contagious as it was at first. Our time of silence, the fellowship we cultivate with one another, studying the Bible and putting biblical values into practice are then more difficult for us than we initially felt. And some people live their Christianity in secret. I speak from experience. In the years of my Christian life I have experienced this up and down. But I have also been able to experience this closeness to God again and again. Writing about what I read in the Bible is, in part, a form of therapeutic writing for me. I deal with what I have read, look at where I stand and constantly check my own attitude. Anyone who thinks that the stories we read in the Bible are just stories designed to entertain us is on the wrong track. Of course we live in a different time than David, for example, but the challenges of life have remained the same. Today, too, it is about love, about power, about our social position and above all and primarily about our relationship with God. And God knows that we humans are not perfect, He knows that we are only too happy to take the path of least resistance. Nor does God expect our actions to be perfect, but He does expect us to have an undivided heart. We are allowed to be full of mistakes and make all the wrong decisions that we as humans make. But if our hearts are whole, then we too are people after God's own heart. Then there is nothing that can separate us from His love.
Deal with what you read in the Bible and think about what you read has to do with your own life. And change it. A first step is prayer, exchange with other Christians and then comes implementation. And don't put yourself under pressure to do things perfectly. Learning by doing. Step by step.
For me, the annual motto "You are a God who sees me" has become a central verse. And I wish for all of us that this verse guides us in the decisions that we make. I have observed in myself in the first weeks of 2023 that this verse keeps coming to my mind when it comes to decisions.
And just as there was the WWJD movement a few years ago, there might be a "You are a God who sees me" movement now. People who live in an honest desire for God to see an undivided heart in them.
I particularly like the idea that each of us is a vessel that needs to be filled. Filling this vessel with good wine requires that we clean it again and again so that the good wine that goes into it is not contaminated.
I want to encourage you to reach for an undivided heart so that you become people after God's heart.