Text: Roland Brunnenkant, Passenger Transport, Basel (CH)
An absolute challenge and particularly relevant in my life right now. I notice that even the best intentions can turn into disasters. I have just forgiven someone who was once very close to me, I have just been to God and brought my suffering to him, and the next moment I react in a completely human way to a statement that I perceived as a provocation. I have just been in a phase of miracles, only to fall into an emotional hole the next moment. And that despite the fact that I knew that things were going to get really bad again. And I have to admit that I personally cannot do "everything". I am already a citizen of heaven, but my behavior is so worldly. The only thing I can do with regard to this year's verse is to keep at it. And if the people we want to meet in this same love cannot see that or do not want it, then I have to turn away to protect myself.
But a bitter aftertaste remains.
Because it is the exact opposite of what I actually want. But one thing is necessary...that I continue to trust in my God. No matter how difficult or emotionally upsetting the situation is. HE is there. ALWAYS.
I have experienced time and again that if we stick with God, we come out of these situations strengthened and refreshed. Because HE has a plan. ALWAYS. And so I set out to recognize the positive that comes out of this situation too.
Because HE is, unlike us humans, faithful. So let's keep at it and keep trying to implement the verse of the year.
“Let everything you do be done in love”
1 Corinthians 16:14
Be blessed!