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May everything you do be done in love (9)

Updated: Oct 14, 2024

Text: Roland Brunnenkant, ThomasChurch Basel (CH)

Luke 18:27

But he said, What is impossible with men is possible with God.

As a human being, I am evil. Selfish, jealous, conceited, proud and arrogant. Always looking out for my own advantage. All my positive character traits come from God. It is through him that I am able to be who I am today. It is only through him that I am able to love. Because God loved me first. All the bad things from the past that try to put their stamp on me become something positive through his grace. That is why it is fundamental to my life to seek his closeness. Because only with HIM and through HIM is it possible for me to treat my neighbour the way I would like to be treated myself. The state of permanent forgiveness protects me from selfishness and revenge, and through his grace selfishness becomes acceptance and revenge becomes understanding.

My life is shaped by HIS grace and HIS blessing. My love for my neighbor comes exclusively from HIM.

I wish you a blessed week


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