Excerpt from the Bible transmission "Welcome home". (touching and understandable at the same time)
But that is not the last word of our God. We are all allowed to live in a time in which God has opened up a completely new path for us, on which we can find recognition from him even without the law. The law itself and the prophets have already pointed this out: God wants to accept us, and that only because of the trust we place in Jesus Christ. For all, Jew and Gentile alike, stand before God as sinners, and there is nothing of the glory of God in our lives. But we are all declared righteous without deservedly by the loving care of God alone. This is the salvation God gave us through Jesus Christ. Because he let him hit what we actually deserved: punishment for our guilt. Only because Jesus shed His blood for us could God leave our sins unpunished. This shows his divine justice, but also his holiness. What mercy, what patience is shown when God acquits the one who puts his wholehearted trust in Jesus and lives by him.
Is there anything that we Jews can still be proud of? It would be absurd if we were. For neither the law nor anything we do brings us the approval of God. It is my firm belief that we are accepted by God solely through our faith and not through following innumerable religious precepts. Or do you seriously believe that God is only a God for us Jews? No, of course he is also a god of all other people. And for him, the only thing that counts for every human being, regardless of whether he is a Jew or a non-Jew, is whether he is willing to trust him as his God.
The question remains, has the law been overridden by the heavy emphasis on faith? That would have catastrophic consequences!
No, the law is only now getting its proper status.