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Successor 3

June/July 1997

During my social work in a kindergarten, I met a young woman who had given her life to Jesus about a year earlier and had thus become a follower. At that time she was one of the Christian women whose greatest concern was to preach the gospel. She took this Scripture literally:

Matthew 28:19

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

She was at this point an educator leading a group of several children. And whenever I met her, she would talk about the Bible, heaven and eternal life. I myself, 38 years old, had absolutely nothing to do with the Christian faith. During the many encounters I had with her, she repeatedly invited me to the service, which she attended regularly.

Since I had no way of permanently avoiding her in my work in this facility, the point came when I accepted this invitation. First and foremost with the ulterior motive of having a plausible explanation after attending the service as to why it wouldn't be for me. But I underestimated God.

It was a service that was quite special. Young families, singles and couples with an average age of 40. There was Christian rock music for worship. Then the community sat down at a table to eat. Laughing children, harmony and joy. I was confused. I didn't understand a word of the message.

When I met her the next day, she invited me back and, to my surprise, I accepted.

At the second service, the sermon was about Jesus going through the villages with his disciples to serve the people. And it was described how the people in the villages reacted. Partly suspicious, partly curious, partly full of expectation. It was described that people stood around Jesus to hear his words. Some stood in the front row, some in the middle, and others in the back row. And then the community was asked to think about where they stand. With the people around Jesus or with the disciples with Jesus. And when the request came to consider whether one wanted to set out with Jesus, I suddenly stood up and said that I wanted to go with HIM, Jesus.

That one, tiny second changed my life abruptly. I entered the line of succession. And my life was completely turned inside out. And a lot more complicated. But when I look back today, on the path I walked and still walk, and see the many obstacles and challenges, I have to say:

"With my God I can leap over walls" Psalm 18:30.

And my question to you is:

Where do you stand? With the spectators around Jesus, or are you already on the way with HIM? And how are you? Do you feel broken Do you feel like everything you do ends up in chaos?

Then come and follow Jesus. For with Him is salvation. With HIM you will experience this unique change. HE turns black into white and dark into light. HE guides you and brings out the best in you.


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