Some people may think that I focus too much on myself in my posts, but I can best speak or write about things that I have experienced myself. And even if some posts lack the Bible passage, it is always a hymn to God's greatness and the tremendous grace that I experience.
There is certainly no person who does not have at least one example of fear in their own life. It is no different for me. And just as each of us tries not to conjure up anything that could lead to a fear-filled situation, I also try to behave accordingly.
My fear, which has been with me for a year now, is that I might fall after the operation on both my knees in 2023. And that would destroy all my progress in one fell swoop. So I moved very carefully for a year and avoided anything that could be dangerous.
Last week I had my end-of-year check-ups with the orthopedist who operated on me and he was simply delighted. He was impressed by the mobility of my new knees and how quickly they were healing. Words like sensational and unbelievable were used. I was at least as happy as he was.
The next day I became careless and moved outside of my own safe zone. I tried to squeeze between two closely parked vehicles to save a few steps and slipped and fell into the narrow gap. I lay between the two vehicles with my legs twisted and slowly got up again.
My fear had become a reality. However, without my worst fears becoming reality. I sustained some bruises on my wrists, shoulders and legs, but my knees were unaffected by the fall.
And after I was standing again, I thanked God for his protection and deliverance. Because I was not only protected from new problems with my knees, with the fall I also lost the fear of falling.
This may sound strange, but this is how God works. In every situation we experience, we find a positive aspect, something that helps us move forward and gives us the opportunity to further define our own limits.
Since this experience, my steps have gotten longer and I no longer constantly look down to see the terrain.
I am grateful for this experience, in which I was able to confront my own fear in a special way, and of course for having gotten rid of this fear again.
And I thank my God again and again when HE surprises me with HIS possibilities.
But I don't want to claim that fear is fundamentally negative. It prevents us from making reckless or even life-threatening decisions. Fear also has a protective function. But it also has the potential to limit and paralyze us. So it is important for us to find out which fear protects us and which limits us and our potential.
Personally, I am rarely able to make such a decision and for this reason I often ask God to give me a clear view or to determine the direction of my life. Because with HIM at my side, everything is possible.
Be blessed!