Galater 5,22
When we realize that our life doesn't work without God and take the step of inviting Jesus Christ into our hearts and into our lives, we are filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, one of the three manifestations of God, is at our side from this moment and helps us to master our "new" life. And that includes the fruits of the spirit growing stronger in us. Above all, the love that fills us from the moment we take the step towards God. I cannot stress enough that this love is the supreme of the fruits of the spirit. Because the other fruits of the spirit have this love as their starting point. It is the gift that God gives us, and this love evokes an incredible joy in us. Even in people who find themselves in adverse circumstances, this joy of God's grace to accept us is there. A joy out of this world. But it doesn't stop there, because we also get this unique double peace. At the beginning of our life of faith we may not be able to grasp the importance of our invitation to God, but this realization comes step by step. Peace, what a precious commodity in a world that is mostly about money and power. On the one hand peace with God and as the next step, the peace of the heart that fills us from the relationship with the triune God. And that despite, or precisely because we are absolutely not perfect. And when we think about how undeserved the grace of God is and that we still get it, then we begin to understand in small, almost tiny steps how patient God is with us. He goes with us step by step and does not overwhelm us. And we accept part of the patience that he exemplified. And in us grows the fruit of patience.
There is much more that could be written about kindness and goodness, but I encourage you to do your own Bible research. maybe you can even deal with it as a group and exchange ideas about what you have read.
If we have reached this point, then we have already learned to deal with our fellow human beings with forbearance and kindness. Because we know from our own experience how good it feels when the other person is friendly. We learned this lived form of friendliness from God and it has already become a part of our character. Kindness, however, while related to kindness, is far more intense. Kindness focuses on the good in people and aims to encourage and uplift others. Just as Christ encourages and lifts us up.
And you might notice as you read, I'm excited about God. He does not leave his imperfect creation alone, but helps it to become what he, from the beginning of time, has always seen in them. He has a plan for each of us, uniquely tailored to each and every one of us. We are allowed to develop step by step and learn from our mistakes. And long-suffering, kindness, and kindness are the means he employs. I want to encourage you to imitate him, just like a child imitates his father or mother. Let yourself be shaped by God and you will experience how you become a blessing for your fellow human beings.
1 Corinthians 13 The Song of Love
Nehemiah 8:10 The joy of the Lord is your strength
John 14:27 What I leave you is peace...
1 Peter 3:9 God's longsuffering...
Philippians 4:5 Let everyone know your kindness and goodness
Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Kindness and Goodness
At this point I would like to draw your attention once again to the commission that the disciples (and thus all believers) received:
Matthew 28:19
Go and make disciples of all nations.
What would our world be like if every time we read and liked a Christian message, we also shared it?
We would fulfill and do justice to our task as ambassadors of the Most High. For our task is that of a laborer who sows his seed in the field. And the task of God is that growth and fruit arise from it. He gives the gift to thrive and grow. We can be a part of the big picture and contribute our part to it. And then we will see the trees of works bear fruit.
So don't bury your talents in the field for fear of losing them.