Easter Sunday, in the morning at 4:10 a.m. The ringing of the alarm wakes me up. I can only get up with difficulty. At 4:50 a.m. I leave the apartment with my wife. Our goal: The Thomaskirche in Basel. A special Easter service is held here every morning on Easter Sunday at 5:30 am. The building is moderately lit and no lights are on in the church. In the dark we walk through the rows to look for a place. The other worshipers only talk in whispers, if at all. Worship service begins promptly at 5:30 a.m. The story of creation is presented as an introduction. then a large, lighted Easter candle is carried into the room. Starting from the fire of this candle, the candles that every visitor received when entering the church are lit. The room in the church is getting brighter and brighter. This candle that everyone is holding symbolizes very well the light that every believer in Christ should be in the world. After a few songs are sung together, the baptism takes place. Today 7 young people were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. The service ends with more songs being sung together. Then we sit down for breakfast together.
Jesus has risen. HE IS TRULY RISEN!
Only those who believe in HIM know the secret of his power. Even today, after more than 2000 years, this power is real and those who knew me before I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Redeemer cannot help but notice the change that has taken place in my life. And always happens.
I can attest to it myself. JESUS HAS TRULY RISEN.
I wish you all a happy resurrection day.
Note: The contribution to the annual slogan will be published on April 16, 2004 due to the current situation.