Gal. 5:22: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering (patience), kindness, kindness, faithfulness (faith), meekness, temperance."
If you are now expecting a classic Bible-based interpretation of the fruit of the spirit of love, I have to disappoint you. It's easier to look for it on the web. There are very good interpretations by theologians. This is just my humble opinion and experience.
It is obvious that this fruit of the spirit has nothing to do with general, sexually oriented love. I think that first of all the love that God has for us human children is in the foreground. He loved us first, so much so that He sent His Son Jesus to break the power of sin. To save people from eternal death. And Jesus loves his father so much that in obedience he fulfilled his commission. A love that made it possible for Him to endure this cruel death in order to save us all from the death that sin causes.
This love is a love that gives itself away. Quite the opposite of the human form of love. We love and expect to be loved in return. The love people have for each other is a love something expected. And is almost always selfish.
But the Bible tells us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Because God gifts us with HIS undeserved and unique form of love, we are to pass this gift on to others. Without expecting anything in return. In thinking, speaking and acting. No ifs and buts.
God loves people, that should be clear to most people. HE loves her so much that HE has endowed her with free will. Everyone should have the opportunity to decide for or against HIM of their own free will. He didn't want puppets because when we choose Him of our own free will, that choice is precious.
This love that God bestows on us is not a one-off event. Rather, this flow of divine love emanates continuously and consistently from the triune God. But we don't always perceive them to the same extent.
An example of the image of the permanent flow of love from God and the different perceptions:
If you set the air conditioning to 24 degrees on a hot summer day with a temperature of more than 30 degrees, we perceive this temperature as pleasantly cool. When it gets cooler and the temperature is only 16 degrees, we perceive the airflow from the air conditioning, which is still 24 degrees, as pleasantly warm. In both cases the temperature is the same but we experience it differently.
It's the same with God, the love that emanates from HIM is always the same, but we perceive it differently in different life situations.
His love is and will remain. But we live in this world and we have to deal with all the challenges and temptations and the devil leaves no stone unturned to weaken or interrupt this flow of love.
However, if we practice this special form of love in dealing with our neighbor, we are defying the devil. Because he can't fight it. He can do absolutely nothing with that, yes, this love is even unknown to him. He knows the hate, the pain and the suffering and he is a true master at causing it, but he fears this unselfish, self-giving love. This love is not only one of the fruits of the spirit, it is the highest. Without this love the other fruits of the spirit are not possible or only imperfectly possible. And without the connection to God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit we are not able to live this love.
Please don't let anyone tell you that you're not ready yet. Because the moment you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Redeemer, you are equipped to become a blessing to those around you.
It always starts with prayer, because in prayer we have a direct hotline to God.
In almost all cases of unselfish and self-giving love, the person was prayed for beforehand. And these prayers have a double effect. On the one hand the person is prepared and on the other hand our heart.
And if you have not yet taken this step towards the triune God, you can do so at any time. And don't think that the guilt and sin that is in your life makes you unworthy or that a hopeless case like you has no chance of being accepted by God.
I can tell you from my own experience with Him that God loves hopeless cases.
Say a simple prayer and invite Jesus Christ into your heart and life.
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