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The spiritual fruit of love and well-being among the whole people 2.0

Gal. 5:22: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering (patience), kindness, kindness, faithfulness (faith), meekness, temperance."

I've noticed in the past few days that I'm still thinking about last week's topic. And as I did so, I asked myself how I differed from one of the early Christians.

The early Christians assumed that Jesus would return within their lifetime to establish his kingdom. And have adapted their lives to it. When the Holy Spirit was poured out on them, they began to live out the spiritual gifts they received in their pure form. Above all the largest and highest. Love.


Each of us knows this feeling of being in love. Butterflies in your stomach, loss of appetite, you can't sleep anymore because all your thinking revolves around the other person. What would and are you willing to do to gain the favor of others. A decision to believe is like falling in love. I personally know people who equate their decision to believe with that infatuation and the fulfillment of that infatuation. And then when you have the favor of the other person, that infatuation turns into love. We can only show this love to God because we are loved first. By him! And so it was with the early Christians. They were in that state of love. It was clear to them that they were loved by God and each and every one of them responded to this love in their own personal way. Things like possessions and wealth were suddenly of secondary importance and people began to think and act as a collective. It was assumed that Jesus Christ would return and set up his kingdom during their lifetime. And of course that had an impact, on themselves as a community of believers and on all other outsiders.

For us today, these events are in the past. We read it in the Bible or in interpretations and we know what happened back then. In retrospect. And we too, the believers of the present, are filled with the Holy Spirit and endowed with the fruits of the Spirit in our decision to live according to God's will. And we also believe that Jesus will come back. But we don't expect that to happen over the course of our lifetime. Few of us live by faith as if Jesus is coming back tomorrow, and so the fruits of the Spirit wither away in us. Because many theologians are of the opinion that the signs of the return of Jesus are not all fulfilled. And that's how we set up our lives accordingly. But it doesn't say "I come like a thief in the night..."

Are we then like the virgins with their lamps? Are we then among those who have run out of oil?

We can't help but wonder what we would change if we knew when Jesus' return would take place. What would I change? And I have to admit a certain perplexity. Because I don't expect that Jesus will return in my lifetime either.

In Acts 4 we read that there was no need among the early Christians. People sold what they owned and made the profits available to everyone else. Everyone got what was needed so that no one had to suffer need. Today we hardly know this form of charity anymore. Of course, most believers give part of their finances to the church. But if we are honest, we have to admit that we only give a fraction of our abundance. We have forgotten how to give generously. We think of our age, of the children, of the desires we have for life. We save to maintain our standard of living during the times when we are too old to work. But is this thought Christian? And what happened to this feeling of infatuation or love? I think back to the first few days after my decision and I still remember very well this (childlike) uncompromising attitude in matters of faith. I was wearing a t-shirt that said Jesus brings color to my life. And told everyone who wanted to hear it and everyone who didn't want to hear it about God and his kingdom. And then that unique feeling of love became a form of tradition and habit. My Christian brothers and sisters civilized me. A part of this rebel in faith stayed with me, but quietly. Today I am thankful that God broke my pride and arrogance because that breaking was a wake up call for the sleeping rebel in me. This is how The Corner Stone was born. My very personal declaration of love for the triune God.

How about you?

Do you still remember the first time after your decision?

What you were willing to give up at the time to follow this Jesus?

What would the world be like today if we lived our faith like the first Christians did. Would the so-called 3rd world still exist? Or would famine and wars be a thing of the past?

I have to ask myself what I would change if I knew Jesus was coming back in a week, a year, or 10 years. And then start taking the first small steps. Because change always starts with a self.

How about you? What would you change?

It is often difficult, or almost impossible, for one person alone to change anything (other than themselves). But as a community that lives according to God's commandments, major changes are definitely possible.

And if you're still looking to fill that empty space in your heart, come and invite Jesus Christ into your heart and into your life. And experience what it feels like to be loved. Without you having to be or bring anything special. Let God gift you with his unique love.

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