Text: Roland Klingenfuss, Pensionär, Alban Arbeit, Basel (CH)
You don't just see me; but You also created me (Psalm: 139:13-24)
From birth until now and until I die, or until I'm with you.
I forget far too quickly that your gaze and your blessed hand are above my life...
Like the last three years for example. I only noticed afterwards that your gaze and your hand were over me.
On December 15, 2018 I got a phone call from the police, they were standing in front of my mother's apartment door and she didn't get in touch...even her medication, which the pharmacy prepared for her once a week, was not picked up by her. The police wanted to break down the apartment door... but I told them that I would come by and unlock it... When we entered everything was quiet and quiet... no lights were on and no television was on.... Her bed was empty, but her blanket was lying on the floor, halfway under her bed, and that's where we found my mother. Unconscious and dehydrated.
The paramedics and fire department arrived and she was carried down the fire ladder from the fourth floor to the ambulance. In Clara Hospital I was told that she had little chance of surviving.... But it wasn't God's plan that she should die now. She survived her "Schlägli" with partial paralysis and the loss of speech.
She was referred from Clara Hospital to Adullam Hospital. After two months she was transferred to the nursing home by social services because she couldn't live alone anymore... She didn't want to live anymore either... but over time the great miracle happened, she gradually got better. She was in bed all day, but over time I was able to encourage her to use the wheelchair to be "more mobile". After about a year, she moved to a larger room on the fourth floor.
From my "side" I laid her down to the LORD in prayer every day. But since she "didn't want to know anything" about faith, and even resisted when the topic of church or Christian faith came up, I could only tell her in prayer bring the Lord before the throne/cross...
I went to visit her every Tuesday and Sunday afternoon... Since I was her only child.
So it happened that every Sunday I came late to the evening service.
Also on Sunday afternoon I say to my friends "I can't come, today is "Mother's Day".... It went like this for three years.
The Lord not only saw and accompanied us, he also heard my speeches and my prayers. He takes what we say and what we say seriously, even if we sometimes just say things like that. For 3 years I kept telling my friends that I didn't have time on Sunday afternoons because that day was my personal Mother's Day.
And then it was also a Mother's Day when I found my mother in her bed. She lay down after eating and fell asleep peacefully.
Yes Lord you see me….
Thank you for carrying through and spending time with my «Mum»